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Peer-Reviewed Products




51. Castagno# K, T Tomiczek, CC Shepard, MW Beck, AA Bowden, K O’Donnell†, SB Scyphers. (In Press) Resistance, resilience, and recovery of salt marshes in the Florida Panhandle following Hurricane Michael. Scientific Reports.
50. Murphy R, SB Scyphers, SA Gray, JH Grabowski. (In Press) Diversity in motivations and behavioral response to regulations in the Striped Bass commercial fishery. Fisheries.

49. Scyphers SB, JM Drymon, KL Furman†, E Conley, Y Niwa, A Jefferson, GW Stunz. (2021) Understanding and enhancing angler satisfaction with fisheries management: insights from the “Great Red Snapper Count”. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. *Selected as Editor’s Feature Paper.

48. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM). 2021. Data and Management Strategies for Recreational Fisheries with Annual Catch Limits. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. ISBN: 0309671574, 9780309671576. 240 pages.

47. Gittman RK, SB Scyphers, CJ Baillie, A Brodmerkel, JH Grabowski, M Livernois, AK Poray, CS Smith, FJ Fodrie. (2021) Reversing a tyranny of cascading shoreline-protection decisions driving coastal habitat loss. Conservation Science and Practice.

46. Castagno# K, A. Bowden, E. Roberts, S. Burns, S.L. Harlan, L. Senier, SB Scyphers. (2021) Conservation practice insights from a comparative case study of two shoreline stabilization projects in Boston Harbor, MA. Conservation Science and Practice.

45. Aminpour P, SA Gray, A Singer, SB Scyphers, AJ Jetter, R Jordan, R Murphy, JH Grabowski. (2021) The diversity bonus in pooling local knowledge about complex problems. Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences. 118 (5) : e2016887118. 

44. Furman K, P Aminpour, SA Gray, SB Scyphers. (2021) Mental models for assessing social-ecological systems following disasters: a case study contextualizing natural and built shorelines after Hurricane Irma. Marine Policy.
43 . Hughes AR, P Edwards, JH Grabowski, SB Scyphers, SL Williams. (2020) Differential incorporation of scientific advances affects coastal habitat restoration practice. Conservation Science and Practice.

42. Scyphers SB, MW Beck, KL Furman, J Haner, A Keeler, C Landry, KL O’Donnell, BM Webb, JH Grabowski. (2020) Designing effective incentives for living shorelines as a habitat conservation strategy along residential coasts. Conservation Letters.

41. Gray SA, P Aminpour, C Reza, SB Scyphers, J Grabowski, R Murphy Jr., A Singer, D Baltaxe, R Jordan, A Jetter, J Introne. (2020) Harnessing the Collective Intelligence of Stakeholders for Conservation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

40. DeAngelis B, A Sutton-Grier, A Colden, K Arkema, C Baillie, R Bennet, J Benoit, S Blitch, A Chatwin, A Dausman, R Gittman, H Greening, J Henkel, R Houge, R Howard, R Hughes, J Lowe, SB Scyphers, E Sherwood, S Westby, J Grabowski. (2020). Keys to Landscape-Scale Coastal Restoration: Lessons Learned from Three U.S. Case Studies. Sustainability.

39. Tomiczek T, KL O’Donnell, KL Furman, B Webbmartin, SB Scyphers. (2020) Rapid damage assessments of shorelines and structures in the Florida Keys after Hurricane Irma. Natural Hazards Review. 

38. McClenachan L, SB Scyphers, JH Grabowski. (2020) Views from the dock: Warming waters, adaptation, and the future of Maine’s lobster fishery. Ambio

37. Kuhl L, K Van Maanen‡, SB Scyphers. (2020) A Global Analysis of Coastal Adaptation Projects: Assessing Patterns of Planning, Implementation, and Contributions to Adaptive Capacity. World Development. 
36. Scyphers SB, MW Beck, KL Furman, J Haner, L Josephs, R Lynskey, A Keeler, C Landry, S Powers, B Webb, J Grabowski (2019). A Waterfront View of Coastal Hazards: Exploring Relationships among Exposure, Shoreline Type, and Hazard Concerns. Sustainability.
35. Scyphers SB, JS Picou, JH Grabowski. (2019) Chronic social disruption following a systemic fishery failure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
34. McClenachan L, M Marra, N Record, J Grabowski, B Neal, SB Scyphers. (2019) Shifting perceptions of rapid temperature changes’ effects on marine fisheries, 1945-2017. Fish and Fisheries.
33. Murphy R, SB Scyphers, SA Gray, JH Grabowski. (2019) Angler attitudes explain disparate behavioral reactions to fishery regulations. Fisheries 44(10):475-487.
32. Gittman RK, CJ Baillie, KK Arkema, RO Bennett, J Benoit, S Blitch, J Brun, A Chatwin, A Colden, A Dausman, B DeAngelis, N Herold, J Henkel, R Houge, R Howard, AR Hughes, SB Scyphers, T Shostik, A Sutton-Grier, JH Grabowski. (2019) Voluntary restoration: mitigation’s silent partner in the quest to reverse coastal wetland loss in the USA. Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 511.
31. Smith C, SB Scyphers. (2019) Past hurricane damage and flood zone outweigh shoreline hardening for predicting residential-scale impacts of Hurricane Matthew. Environmental Science and Policy 101: 46-53.
30. Strain, EM, K. Alexander, S. Kienker, R. Morris, R. Jarvis, R. Coleman, B. Bollard. SB Scyphers. (2019) Urban blue: A global analysis of the factors shaping people’s perceptions of the marine environment and ecological engineering in harbours. Science of The Total Environment.
29. Cryan A, B Helmuth,SB Scyphers. Ecological Design for Urban Coastal Resilience. (2019) Handbook on the Resilience of Socio-technical Systems, Edited by M Ruth, Reisemann. Edward Elgar Publishing.

28. Bowen JL, CJ Baillie, JH Grabowski, AR Hughes,SB Scyphers, KR Gilbert, SG Gorney, J Slevin, and KA Geigley. Boston Harbor, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Transformation from ‘the harbor of shame’to a vibrant coastal resource. Regional Studies in Marine Science (2019): 100482.
27. Murphy R, JH Grabowski,SB Scyphers. (2018) Perceptions outweigh knowledge in predicting support for management strategies in the recreational Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) fishery. Marine Policy 97:44-50.

26. Hughes AR, JH Grabowski, HM Leslie,SB Scyphers, SL Williams. (2018) Inclusion of biodiversity in habitat restoration policy to facilitate ecosystem recovery. Conservation Letters.

25. Alibage A, Jetter A, Aminpour P, Gray S, Scyphers SB. (2018) Exploratory Participatory Modelling with FCM to Overcome Uncertainty: Improving Safety Culture in Oil and Gas Operations. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software.

24. Sutton-Grier, R Gittman, K Arkema, R Bennett, J Benoit, S Blitch, K Burks-Copes, A Colden, A Dausman, B DeAngelis, R Hughes, S Scyphers, J Grabowski. (2018) Investing in Natural and Nature-Based Infrastructure: Building Better Along Our Coasts.Sustainability 10:523 doi: 10.3390/su10020523.

23. Gittman RK,SB Scyphers. (2017) The Cost of Coastal Protection: A Comparison of Hardened and Living Shorelines. Shore and Beach 85(4):1-6.

22. Powers SP, S Rouhani, MC Baker, H Roman, J Murray, JH Grabowski,SB Scyphers, JM Willis, MW Hester. (2017) Loss of oysters as a result of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill degrades nearshore ecosystems and disrupts facilitation between oysters and marshes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 576: 189-202.

21. Smith C, RK Gittman, I Neylan,SB Scyphers, J Morton, FJ Fodrie, JH Grabowski, CH Peterson. (2017) Hurricane damage along natural and hardened estuarine shorelines: Addressing homeowner misperceptions to promote nature-based coastal protection. Marine Policy 81: 350-358.

20. Grabowski JH, Scyphers SB, SP Powers. (2017) Marine Fisheries Management. Oxford Annotated Bibliographies. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199830060-0178.

19. Gray SA, SB Scyphers. (2017). Innovations in Collaborative Science: Advancing citizen science, crowdsourcing and participatory modeling to understand and manage marine social-ecological systems. in Conservation for the Anthropocene Ocean. Edited by P Levin, M Poe. Elsevier Academic Press.

18. Arkema K, C Shepard, S Scyphers. (2017). Living Shorelines for Nature and People. in Shorelines: Living, enhanced, restored in the modern era. Edited by D Bilkovic, M Mitchell, J Toft, M La Peyre. Taylor & Francis Group and CRC Press: Marine Science Series.

17. Drymon JM,SB Scyphers. (2017) Attitudes and perceptions influence recreational angler support for shark conservation and fisheries sustainability Marine Policy 81: 153-159.
16. Gittman RK,SB Scyphers, CS Smith, I Neylan, JH Grabowski. (2016) Ecological consequences of shoreline hardening: a meta-analysis. BioScience 66 (9): 763-773.

15. Helmuth BH, TC Gouhier,SB Scyphers, J Mocarski. (2016) Trust, tribalism and tweets: has political polarization made science a “wedge issue”? Climate Change Responses 3(1):1.

Press: The Economist. The Senate’s Scientific Divide. (6/10/2016).

14. Martin CW, JF Valentine, SB Scyphers, TC Kauffman, JJ Dindo. (2016) Preliminary Analysis of the Effects of the Macondo Oil Spill on Coastal Diving Ducks in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.Journal of Applied Life Sciences International, 8:3:1-9
13. Scyphers SB, SP Powers, JL Akins, JM Drymon, CW Martin, ZH Schobernd, P Schofield, RL Shipp, T Switzer. (2015) The role of citizens in detecting and responding to a rapid marine invasion.Conservation Letters 8(4): 242-250.

12. Murphy RD,SB Scyphers, JH Grabowski. (2015) Angler perceptions of striped bass management in southern New England. PLOS ONE 10(8) e0136412.

11. Scyphers SB, JS Picou, SP Powers. (2015) Participatory conservation of coastal habitats: the importance of understanding homeowner decision making to mitigate cascading shoreline degradation. Conservation Letters 8(1), 41-49.

10. Scyphers SB, TC Gouhier, JH Grabowski, MW Beck, J Mareska, SP Powers. (2015) Natural coastal habitats promote the stability of fish communities in an urbanized coastal ecosystem.PLOS ONE 10(6) e0118580.

9. Scyphers SB, SP Powers, KL Heck. (2015) Ecological value of submerged breakwaters as habitat enhancement at a residential scale.Environmental Management 55(2): 383-391.
8. An X, Ganguly AR, Hunter AM, Fang Yi,Scyphers SB, Hunter A, Dy JG. (2014) Tracking climate change opinions from mining Twitter data. Proceedings of Data Science for Social Good Workshop at ACM KDD.

7. Scyphers SB, JS Picou, RD Brumbaugh, SP Powers. (2014) Integrating societal perspectives and values for improved stewardship of a coastal ecosystem engineer.Ecology and Society 19(3): art. 38.

6. Scyphers SB& SB Lerman. (2014) Residential Landscapes, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change. in Research in Urban Sociology, Volume 15: Sustainable Cities: Global Concerns / Urban Efforts. Editor: WG Holt. ISBN: 978-1-78441-058-2.
5. Scyphers SB, SP Powers, FJ Hernandez, FJ Fodrie, RL Shipp. (2013) Venting and the survival of reef fishes: perceptions and participation rates among recreational anglers in the northern Gulf of Mexico.North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33(6): 1071-1078.

4. Scyphers SB & SP Powers. (2013) Context-dependent effects of oyster reefs on predator-prey interactions. Marine Ecology Progress Series 491: 395-401.

3. Powers SP, FJ Fodrie,SB Scyphers, JM Drymon, RL Shipp RL, GW Stunz. (2013) Gulf wide decrease of large sharks documented by generations of fishermen. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 5(1): 93-102. *Awarded: Best Paper of 2013 in Marine and Coastal Fisheries

 2. Scheinin M,SB Scyphers, L Kauppi, KL Heck, J Mattila. (2012) The relationship between vegetation density and its protective value depends on the densities and traits of prey and predators. Oikos 121: 1093-1102.

1. Scyphers SB, SP Powers, KL Heck, D Byron. (2011) Oyster reefs as natural breakwaters mitigate shoreline loss and facilitate fisheries.PLOS ONE. 

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